6 List Sequence Measurements
The image to be saved is actually captured when the Save front panel key is pressed, and kept in
temporary storage to be used if you ask for a Screen Image save. When the Screen Image key is pressed,
a "thumbnail" of the captured image is displayed, as shown below:
When you continue on into the Save As menu and complete the Screen Image save, the image depicted in
the thumbnail is the one that gets saved, showing the menus that were on the screen before going into the
Save menus. The save is performed immediately and does not wait until the measurement is complete.
After you have completed the save, the Quick Save front-panel key lets you quickly repeat the last save
performed, using an auto-named file, with the current screen data.
For versions previous to A.01.55, if you initiate a screen image save by navigating through the Save menus,
the image that is saved will contain the Save menu softkeys, not the menus and the active function that
were on the screen when you first pressed the Save front panel key.
Key Path
Remote Command
:MMEMory:STORe:SCReen <filename>
:MMEM:STOR:SCR "myScreen.png"
This stores the current screen image in the file MyScreenFile.png in the default directory.
Initial S/W Revision
Prior to A.02.00
Sequence Analyzer User's & Programmer's Reference