6 List Sequence Measurements
List Sequence Measurements
[:SENSe]:LSEQuencer:TDSCdma:TDEMod:SCODe <integer>
Help Map ID
TDSCDMA Demod – Uplink Pilot
Uplink Pilot setting for TDSCDMA mode. It specifies the Uplink Pilot synchronization ID sequence (SYNC-
UL). The available range is 0 ~ 255.
SCPI access only, from within Sequence Analyzer mode (front panel access through the TDSCDMA mode).
For more information, see the online help for TDSCDMA mode.
The SCPI commands in Sequence Analyzer mode are:
[:SENSe]:LSEQuencer:TDSCdma:TDEMod:UPTS <integer>
Help Map ID
TDSCDMA Demod – Sync Type
Sync Type setting for TDSCDMA mode. The available selections include Pilot, Midamble and Trigger.
Pilot synchronization searches for either the Uplink Pilot or Downlink Pilot burst and then uses the
location of that burst to position all of the rest of the time slots. Synchronization will fail if neither pilot
burst is found or if the incorrect Uplink or Downlink Pilot Code ID is set for the Pilot burst present.
Midamble synchronization searches for the first Uplink traffic burst, positioning it as timeslot TS1.
Synchronization will fail if there are Pilot bursts present, if TS0 is present, if there are no traffic bursts
present or if the incorrect Basic Midamble Code ID is set.
Trigger synchronization deems the position of the trigger as the start of the frame of the TD-SCDMA
SCPI access only, from within Sequence Analyzer mode (front panel access through the TDSCDMA mode).
For more information, see the online help for TDSCDMA mode.
The SCPI commands in Sequence Analyzer mode are:
[:SENSe]:LSEQuencer:TDSCdma:TDEMod:SYNC PILot|MIDamble|TRIgger
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Sequence Analyzer User's & Programmer's Reference