Jabiru J450 Constructors Manual
Pre-Paint>Fuselage>Empennage>Fit vertical tail fin
Tuesday, April 6, 2010
89 of 343
Reinforce the fuselage to vertical fin join
This step involves laying up 3 layers of glass fibre cloth to each side of the join.
If you are doing the laying up alone then do each side one at a time – finish one side
completely before moving on to the other side. On the other hand, if your helpers are capable
of laying up glass fibre cloth then both sides can be done at the same time.
Start by mixing a fresh batch of resin and coating the left-hand join, then lay up 3 layers of
glass fibre cloth from the bag labelled “
Outer Reo Tail Fin
” as shown above, taking care to
brush each layer in with absolutely no air bubbles.
Depending on the temperature you may need to mix a fresh batch of resin part-way through
the task if it starts to become too thick to brush out easily. If this happens, mix the fresh batch
quickly and keep right on brushing the glass fibre cloth into place with the new batch – the
glassing process must not stop until it is complete and the fin has been clamped in place.
When the 3
layer has been brushed into place, place 2 strips of peel cloth (from the same
bag), one on the fin and one along the empennage, and brush them on taking care to brush out
any ripples or creases.
Repeat the procedure for the right-hand side: 3 layers of cloth and then the peel cloth.