Jabiru J450 Constructors Manual
Pre-Paint>Wings>Prepare wing root
Tuesday, April 6, 2010
163 of 343
Fit the breather tube and the fuel cap
The breather tube will now be visible through the fuel filler opening on top of the wing.
Move it to the rear of the opening and behind the filler body, then take the plain earth wire
and thread it into the tank from the filler and work it along the bottom of the fuel tank and
through the gap in the bottom of each tank baffle towards the wing root as shown in the photo
above. Proceed carefully until the entire length of plain earth wire is inside the tank.
Fit the speed nut onto the “P” clip, fit the “P” clip around the breather tube and then fit the 6g
self-tapping screw through the 4mm ring terminal, through the fuel filler body and into the
speed nut on the “P” clip. See the drawing on the next page.
You may need to make up a tool to assist in the fitting of the
“P” clip – here is a photo of the tool that we use in our factory
for the purpose. The end (circled) is used to push the breather
tube up and towards the fuel filler body so that the screw can
be fitted. The tool is shown in use on the next page.
6g x ½” self
Earth wire & fuel cap
retaining wire
Fuel Filler
“P” clip
Breather Tube
6G “Speed