Jabiru J450 Constructors Manual
Pre-Paint>Wings>Test fit wings
Tuesday, April 6, 2010
193 of 343
Fit the strut to wing fairing
While the wing and strut are fitted the strut to wing fairing can be fitted and the back half of
the fairing can be flocked into place on the wing.
Assemble each fairing on the bench – fit the
front section over the joggle on the back
section and fit the 2 halves together with 4 x
6G stainless steel self-tapping screws on the
outside and 1 screw on the inside and then
take them apart again. Refer to the photo at
right for the outside screw placement.
Now reassemble each fairing around the strut
and locate the fairing on the wing: carefully
centre the assembled fairing on the strut so that there is an even gap all around the strut and
make sure that the fairing is lined up fore and aft.
Mark around the back half of the fairing and tape it into place, then drill 6 evenly spaced holes
through the mounting lip of the fairing and through the surface of the wing.
Do not
drill any
deeper than 5mm or you risk hitting the fuel tank! Fix the back half in place with a few 6G
stainless steel self-tapping screws, then remove the screws and lower the fairing.
Repeat the process on the other wing.
Prepare the surfaces to be bonded: sand both surfaces and ensure that they are clean.
Mix up a small batch of flock and flock the back half of each fairing to the wing, holding it in
place with 6G stainless steel self-tapping screws. Leave overnight for the flock to cure, then
next day remove the screws – use a soldering iron if necessary to loosen the screws in the
The join between the fairing and the wing will be filled and finished in the
Strut to wing fairing, final fitted and painted