Jabiru J450 Constructors Manual
Post-Paint>Fuselage>Assemble instrument panel
Tuesday, April 6, 2010
205 of 343
Fit the hardware to the panel
The panel assembly sequence is: prepare and fit the circuit breakers, then the switches and
panel lights, then the instruments, radio(s), intercom and transponder.
The Standard panels have a single long earth busbar while Jumbo panels have 3 earth busbars,
1 for the circuit breakers, 1 for the panel lights and 1 for general use.
Prepare the circuit breakers and switches earth busbar by filing a 6mm notch on each side of
each circuit breaker hole in order to clear the circuit breaker attachment clips as shown above.
Prepare the panel for the circuit breakers by very carefully filing a 6mm wide 45° recess on
of the panel at each side of each circuit breaker hole as shown above – this allows
the circuit breaker attachment clips to seat firmly into the holes. Work carefully and take care
not to mark the front of the panel. File the recess on all circuit breaker holes, even spares.
Prepare the 5 and 10 amp circuit breakers only by carefully drilling out the hole in each
bottom spade connector to 3.3mm. This allows the main busbar to be bolted to the connectors.
Support the connectors while drilling by placing a piece of plywood between them.
Fit the circuit breakers to the panel from the front – check the etched labels on the panel and
the circuit diagram and fit the correct value circuit breaker to each hole. Press each circuit
breaker in until the attachment clips click into place. Standard panel shown above.
Rear view of the panel
Circuit breakers end of the earth busbar