Jabiru J450 Constructors Manual
Pre-Paint>Wings>Fit ailerons
Tuesday, April 6, 2010
182 of 343
Fit the pre-mould strip into place – position carefully slightly above the final location and then
press gently forwards and then down into place. Wipe away any excess flock.
Place the tape-covered board on top of the pre-mould strip and weight with several paving
blocks or half-bricks. Wipe away any excess flock along the bottom of the curved rib, then
brush on 3 layers of glass fibre cloth around the gap at the wing tip end of the pre-mould strip
as circled in the photo at above right.
Apply a coat of resin to the back of the curved rib/wing join and lay in a single length of glass
fibre cloth (from the Wing bag). The lower edge should be slightly in from the trailing edge of
the wing. Brush the layer in carefully taking care to avoid any bubbles or gaps.
Leave the wing/pre-mould assembly for 24 hours to cure before continuing with this task.