Jabiru J450 Constructors Manual
Post-Paint>Fuselage>Interior>Fit instrument panel housing
Tuesday, April 6, 2010
254 of 343
Locate and fit the throttle cable
The last step is to drill through the firewall for the throttle cable.
The positioning of the hole is important to minimise the chance of the throttle cable binding in
the full forward/full throttle position: start by positioning the throttle linkage almost fully
forward until the input lever is about 10mm away from the front of the panel housing – the
thickness of the tip of your index finger is about 10mm.
With the linkage in that position, make a mark (circled above)
ahead of the output
lever (which must face as shown) and then drill a pilot hole at that mark – rotate the throttle
linkage backwards to allow access for the drill and hold the drill firmly against the firewall to
make sure that it does not move about while drilling.
As before, have the other person check that the drill will not cause any damage as it comes
through the firewall and move any wiring out of the way if needed.
Rotate the throttle linkage forwards and check that the pilot hole is precisely in front of the
output lever and correct if necessary.
You can now work from the front of the firewall and expand the pilot hole until the throttle
cable (complete with the adjustment nuts) can just pass though the hole.
Drill out 2 flat penny washers to fit over the outer cable and then cut a slot in each so that they
can be fitted over the throttle cable. One will fit to the cable on each side of the firewall.
You will need to carefully grind both ends of the throttle cable to size – the manufacturing
process often leaves some excess solder on both fittings and sometimes the ball end may have
the inner cable standing slightly proud, which will need to be ground back a little.
Fit the throttle cable into place through the firewall. Connection and adjustment of all cabling
will be addressed in the task
Post-Paint>Firewall forward>Engine control cabling
Fit the throttle input shafts through the pivot blocks and fully onto the rod ends on the input
levers and Loctite each input shaft into place with a drop of Loctite 620. The pilot‟s side input
shaft will require a machined collar to be fitted on the shaft on each side of the pivot block.
This completes the
Post-Paint>Fuselage>Interior>Fit instrument panel housing