Jabiru J450 Constructors Manual
Post-Paint>Fuselage>Interior>Fit upholstery 2
Tuesday, April 6, 2010
259 of 343
Post-Paint>Fuselage>Interior>Fit upholstery 2
Objectives of this task:
Fit the remaining interior trim to the aircraft, completing the interior fit out.
Materials required:
Jabiru upholstery kit or equivalent
High heat contact adhesive
Card J9 “
Flap drive shaft
Wrap the flap drive shaft in upholstery fabric and fix into place with contact adhesive. The
join line should be at the top rear of the shaft.
Headset brackets
Position the headset brackets on the top
longitudinal rib and fix in place with 2 TLR
rivets as shown arrowed in yellow in the photos
above (front) and next page (rear).
Floor coverings
Test fit the floor coverings first – you will need
to carefully cut the front covering to fit around
the rudder pedal mounts. The floor coverings
should overlap the sidewall and console fabric
slightly so that no fibreglass can be seen.
Fix the floor coverings into place with contact
Flap drive