Jabiru J450 Constructors Manual
Post-Paint>Wings>Fit flaps
Tuesday, April 6, 2010
294 of 343
Post-Paint>Wings>Fit flaps
Objectives of this task:
To fit the wing flaps to the wings and adjust their deflection. We use 2 people in the factory to
carry out this task and we recommend that you do the same as the flap is too long for one
person to handle and there is a risk of damaging the painted surface of the flap and the wing.
Materials required:
” cloth tape to hold the flaps up while adjusting the flap push rod lengths.
Fit the flap push rods to the flaps
Fit a rod end and plain locking nut to one end
of each flap push rod and tighten the lock
nuts firmly. Lay the flaps upside down on
trestles and fit the flap push rods to the
inboard end of each flap.
Working through the access hole in the flap,
feed an AN3-13A bolt with an AN960-416
(3/16”) flat washer under the head from the
inside of the flap through the drive post.
Fit 3 x AN960-416 (3/16”) flat washers, then
the rod end and an AN960-515 (1/4”) flat
washer and a Nyloc nut as shown in the
photo at right. Tighten the nut to safety.
The flap push rods should now be centred in
the slot in the leading edge of the flap.
Fit the flaps to the wings
Each flap post bolt hole has a short length of Bundy tube spacer fitted inside (
: a smear of
grease will hold the spacer in place while fitting) and the flap post fits into the flap hanger and
is then secured with an AN3-8A bolt.
Working on one flap at a time, fit the flap to the wing with the AN3 bolts with a 3/16” flat
washer under the head of each bolt. Fit a 3/16” flat washer and Nyloc nut and tighten each nut
to safety. Check that the flap can be extended and retracted by hand, taking care not to scratch
the fuselage or the side window when the flap is near full deflection.
Hold a straightedge under the wing and flap with a gap equal to 2 mixing sticks at the rear of
the wing and touching at the front and back, all as shown in the photo above.
Gap equal to 2
mixing sticks here
Inboard end of inverted flap showing push rod attachment
push rod