Jabiru J450 Constructors Manual
Pre-Paint>Fuselage>Empennage>Fit horizontal stabiliser
Tuesday, April 6, 2010
102 of 343
Glass the stabiliser
Start by lightly sanding all surfaces, then mix a batch of resin and coat the surfaces where the
glass fibre cloth will be placed. Then lay a 100 x 700mm strip of glass fibre cloth around the
stabiliser-to-fuselage join and brush into place.
Now take one of the 300 x 350mm pieces of glass fibre cloth and, starting at a point 50mm
back from the leading edge of the stabiliser and covering the stabiliser-to-fuselage join, brush
it onto and under the stabiliser. Place the second layer on top of the stabiliser and wrap it back
under the leading edge by 50mm. Repeat this process so that you have 2 layers under and 2
layers on top of the stabiliser. Do the same thing on the other side of the stabiliser.
Apply peel cloth to all glassed surfaces and brush on carefully. Leave overnight to cure then
remove the peel cloth and trim away excess glass fibre ends with a sharp knife.
This completes the
Pre-Paint>Fuselage>Empennage>Fit horizontal stabiliser