Jabiru J450 Constructors Manual
Pre-Paint>Fuselage>Interior>Fuel system
Tuesday, April 6, 2010
136 of 343
Pre-Paint>Fuselage>Interior>Fuel system
Objectives of this task:
To fit the parts of the fuel system from the header tank to the firewall fitting.
Note that the fuel lines from the wing tanks to the header tank will be sized slightly over-
length and stored for later connection in the
Post-Paint>Wings>Fit wings
This task is broken down into the following steps:
Fit the fuel header tank, fuel filter, electric fuel pump and all connecting fuel lines and
seal, size the fuel lines from the wing tanks to the header tank and store.
Install the fuel tap to the console, fit the fuel line from the electric fuel pump to the
fuel tap and fit the fuel line from the fuel tap to the firewall fitting and seal.
Materials required:
Fuel header tank
Card # J11A „
Fuel Components Kit
Blue fuel line, Black fuel line and clear fuel line sheathing
Lock wire
Epoxy Resin and Flock, 5-minute Araldite
Fit the fuel header tank
Position the fuel header tank under the rear cabin step with the quick drain fitting centred in
the hole in the fuselage (use a short length of plastic tubing around the quick drain fitting to
keep it centred during the header tank fitting operation) and oriented as shown on drawing
4A408AOD-1 (this drawing is shown full size on the next page of this task).
Cut four positioning brackets from fibreglass angle
and glue a rubber pad to one face of each bracket.
Mark the location for each bracket and then flock the
brackets to the fuselage in two stages: locate the front
and outside brackets first, flock them into place and let
them cure then put the header tank in place and then
flock the remaining two brackets into place taking
care that the header tank is firmly positioned between
the brackets.
When all of the flock has cured, remove the header
tank and attach the header tank securing strap brackets to the fuselage using flock and
countersunk screws. The left-hand bracket should be positioned about 150mm to the left of
the header tank and the right-hand bracket should be positioned about 50mm to the right of
the longitudinal rib. Each strap bracket is held in place with countersunk screws and
Tinnerman washers with Nyloc nuts on the bracket. Tighten the nuts to safety.
The securing strap should pass over the widest part of the header tank – refer to the drawing
on the next page for detail.
Using 5 minute Araldite, glue a rubber pad to the fuselage under the header tank taking care
that no part of the header tank can rub directly against the fibreglass of the fuselage or the
mounting brackets.
Brackets and rubber pad looking rearwards