Jabiru J450 Constructors Manual
Post-Paint>Wings>Fit fairings
Tuesday, April 6, 2010
297 of 343
Lower strut/main gear fairing
Start by tucking the brake lines up into the main gear recess and zip tying them to the top rear
of the main gear legs. Connect the pitot line from the right hand strut to the instrument panel
line with a blue water trap connector and tuck the pitot line up into the main gear recess.
Fit the right hand section first: tuck the blue water trap connector into the fairing and then fit
the fairing into place and hold it there temporarily with some cloth tape while you fit the
5/32” machine screws and washers, then fit the left hand section in the same manner.
This completes the
Post-Paint>Wings>Fit fairings
CONGRATULATIONS, you have completed construction!!
Now, on to
Right hand side strut/main gear fairing from below (top photo) and side on (above)