Jabiru J450 Constructors Manual
Pre-Paint>Wings>Fit ailerons
Tuesday, April 6, 2010
180 of 343
Pre-Paint>Wings>Fit ailerons
Objectives of this task:
In this task the ailerons and the pre-mould strips will be sized and trimmed, then flocked onto
the wings and glassed in place, and the next day the ailerons will be fitted to the wings.
Materials and equipment required:
Card # J5 “
” for the hinges
Epoxy resin and flock
Length of flat timber 150m x 1250mm, one side covered in brown packing tape
Pavers or half bricks for weights to hold the pre-mould strip in place while the flock cures
Size the ailerons and pre-mould strips
For this step you will need to work on both wings together.
Mount the flaps temporarily with just the bolts and spacers, holding them in the fully retracted
position with strips of tape over the top of the flap onto the wings.
Check the distance from the inside of the wing tip to the outboard end of the flap: the distance
should be very close to equal for both wings, and in the range of 1215mm to 1220mm. If the
distance is not equal for each wing then it may be necessary to trim the end of one flap
slightly, but check the aileron lengths first.
With each wing right side up, lay the
aileron in place on the wing and use a ruler
or straightedge to line the aileron drive arm
up with the aileron cable slot that was cut
previously in the
aileron cable inspection opening
task. The
drive arm should very slightly (~1-2mm
max) overlap the slot.
With the aileron held in this position mark
the outboard end of the aileron where it
touches the wing tip/winglet and mark the
inboard end where it touches the flap.
Repeat the process with the other aileron on
the other wing. Both ailerons should now
be marked to an equal length in the range of
1215mm to 1220mm, ideally 1218mm
overall, with the aileron drive arms both located either outboard or inboard of the slot.
At this point if the aileron or flap needs to be trimmed then you can make adjustments as
required to equalise the length, mark carefully and trim with a hacksaw or jigsaw and sand to
a smooth finish. Take care to make accurate cuts that exactly match the adjoining surface.
At this stage each aileron should fit snugly into the gap between the wing tip and the flap with
very little or no clearance at each end: when the ailerons have been finally fitted into place
then the finished clearance can be adjusted with a sanding block.
Now cut the ends of the pre-mould strip so that it fits snugly between the wing tip and the
flap. You may need to trim the lower outboard end of the curved “T” rib slightly.
drive arm
cable slot