Jabiru J450 Constructors Manual
Post-Paint>Fuselage>Install electrical wiring
Tuesday, April 6, 2010
228 of 343
Engine wiring routing
Cut the zip ties that hold the alternator wires
to the engine and bend the wires to the right.
At this stage you will have wires at the top
left rear of the engine for oil pressure and
temperature, left magneto, CHT and tacho.
Group these wires and zip tie them as shown
at right, so you will have 3 white 16 gauge
wires (oil pressure, oil temperature, left
magneto) and 2 pairs of red and black wires
(CHT and tacho).
Now run the wires across the machined aluminum beam behind the flywheel as shown above.
Add the alternator wire pair into the group as shown, but before you do, twist the wire pair
several times so that the there are no lengths where the wire pair is straight– the full length of
the alternator wires should be twisted. This will help to minimize inducing noise into the
wiring harness from the alternator.
From here the wiring bundle can be routed up to the top right engine mount and then back
along the mount tube to the firewall. Include the right magneto wire in the wiring bundle at
this point.
The 16 gauge wires for oil pressure, oil temperature, left and right magnetos, CHT and Tacho
can all be passed through the right hand cable collar in the firewall and 300mm left free inside
the cabin for later fitting to Connector
If you are using the optional fuel pressure sensor it can be connected at this time and the wires
included in the wiring bundle for later fitting to Connector
The 2 wires from the alternator can be routed along the firewall and down to the regulator
plug for connection in the next step.
Don‟t zip tie the wiring bundle to the engine mount just yet - there are some more wires to be
added to the bundle over the next few steps.
CHT plug
Tacho sender
Alternator wires