Jabiru J450 Constructors Manual
Pre-Paint>Wings>Mount flaps
Tuesday, April 6, 2010
175 of 343
Fit the flap brackets
In this step the flap brackets will be flocked into place and then covered with 3 layers of glass
fibre cloth. This all needs to be completed in the one continuous operation. In our factory this
step takes over an hour with an experienced person, so allow perhaps 2 hours or slightly more.
Mix a batch of resin and coat the inside of the flap brackets and the wing surface where the
flap brackets will be attached. Mix a separate small firm batch of flock and fill the inside of
the angled end of the flap brackets as shown above right.
Place each bracket: holding the bracket clear of the wing, insert the bolt through the bracket
and the bush, then let the bracket rotate down to the wing. Do this for each bracket.
At this point recheck the marker pen mark across the wing and flap to be sure that nothing has
Once all the brackets have been placed apply a gentle downward pressure to seat each one and
then round off any excess flock around the base of each bracket to an even contour with the
rounded end of a mixing stick. This rounded contour will help to avoid air bubbles when you
apply the glass fibre cloth in the next step.