Jabiru J450 Constructors Manual
Pre-Paint>Wings>Mount flaps
Tuesday, April 6, 2010
173 of 343
Flap to wing spacing
: tape 6 pairs of mixing sticks together. Place 1 pair into each end of the
gap between the flap and the wing (green arrow above right) and 1 pair under the aluminium
angle on each side of the flap to wing gap (blue arrows above right) to create the required
curve to the underside of the wing as shown above left. Check that the flap is pushed forwards
until the pairs of mixing sticks are being held firmly in place.
Match the flap to the wing
Look under the wing at the point where the flap touches the trailing edge of the wing: the
objective in this step is to fit the trailing edge of the wing to exactly match the flap, so mark
the trailing edge of the wing where the flap touches and then carefully grind the trailing edge
away until the flap sits snugly into the wing recess. Shaping should be done with a long
sanding block: all shaping should be gentle in contour.
Leave the
of the trailing edge of the wing straight and concentrate on shaping the
of the lip (which is currently on top because the wing is upside down) on the
trailing edge where the flap fits to an angle of approximately 30 degrees as shown above right
(the angle has been emphasised with
lines in the photo) – this will allow the flap to retract
and seat snugly under the lip with virtually no gap.
Shaping of the trailing edge will require several adjustments and each time the flap must be
realigned onto the wing, using the marks that you made earlier, and the areas to be shaped are
marked and then the flap is removed and the trailing edge of the wing is sanded to suit.