Jabiru J450 Constructors Manual
Testing>Flight testing
Tuesday, April 6, 2010
331 of 343
Flight testing
Takeoff and climb
Use the full length of the available runway, which should be into wind.
Apply full power in a positive manner over a count of 4.
Check engine rpm indication and ASI function on the roll and abort if either is incorrect.
Immediately after takeoff check instruments and LISTEN, FEEL and SMELL and if in any
doubt abort and land on the remaining runway, otherwise proceed.
Climb at full power at 80 KIAS while remaining over the airfield: remain within gliding
distance of the airfield at all times on the first flight: plan your climb carefully so that you are
always within reach of the field should the engine fail. This may require an initial turn at less
than 500 ft AGL depending on the layout of the airfield.
Monitor the engine gauges carefully while climbing and note any tendency towards
overheating. If temperatures get near to the top of the green range, increase airspeed to 90
KIAS to improve the cooling airflow. If the temperatures are still too high, reduce power
slightly. Be particularly alert when you reduce the power for the first time.
At 3,000 ft above the airfield reduce the power to 2800 rpm, trim the aircraft for straight and
level flight and check the rigging of the aircraft.
Rigging tests
If the aircraft flies straight with the ball in the centre and the rudder pedals are level the
rigging is correct. There are 4 steps or tests that must be made:
If the aircraft flies straight with the ball in the centre but with the rudder pedals displaced
then the pushrods that connect the rudder pedals to the steering yoke need adjusting.
If the aircraft flies straight but requires pressure on one rudder pedal to keep the ball in the
centre then the rudder cable needs adjusting.
If the ball is centred and the rudder pedals are level but the aircraft tends to roll or turn then
the flaps may need adjustment. Check the stall before making any changes to the flaps.
Slow the aircraft to near the point of stall in a clean configuration at idle power with the
ball centred and note any tendency to roll just
the point of stall. If this happens then
slow the aircraft to near the point of stall in a clean configuration several more times and
note which wing drops just before the point of stall.
If the aircraft rolls just before the point of stall then the angle of incidence will need to be
adjusted by means of the eccentric wing root bushes that are supplied with your kit.
The correct installation procedure is explained later in this task.
If all flight up to the stall is wings level then the angle of incidence can be considered to
be correct and any roll corrections can be made by individual adjustment of the flaps.
Slow the aircraft to V
, test the flaps at both half and full settings and then retract them.
Descent and landing
Descend to circuit height and conduct a normal approach and landing.
During the landing roll check that the undercarriage does not have any unusual noises, that the
aircraft is easily controlled and that the brakes work evenly when applied.