Jabiru J450 Constructors Manual
Pre-Paint>Fuselage>Interior>Fit rudder pedal mount blocks
Tuesday, April 6, 2010
129 of 343
Pre-Paint>Fuselage>Interior>Fit rudder pedal mount blocks
Objectives of this task:
In this optional task the lower rudder pedal mounting blocks will be checked for vertical
alignment and if necessary the lower blocks will be flocked into place on the floor brackets.
This task shows how to ensure that the blocks are aligned correctly.
Materials required:
Rudder pedal mounting blocks (3 pairs)
3 x ¼” and 2 x 3/16” bolts, 3” or longer
Rudder pedals
Epoxy Resin and Flock
Check the alignment
Fit the rudder pedals into place as shown above, with the mount blocks supporting the pedal
assembly. Check each lower block to see if it is touching both the floor mounts and the rudder
pedal assembly main bar. If any block can be moved up and down then you should follow this
procedure, otherwise skip this task and go to the next task.
Align the Mount Blocks
The key to correct alignment is the use of a bed of flock under each mount block to allow for
any unevenness in the height of the three floor mounts – sometimes there may be a slight
height difference that, if not corrected, could lead to binding of the rudder pedals.
Position the three mount blocks by placing a centre bolt through the centre hole of each mount
block only. Mark a pencil line around each mount block and then remove the mount blocks.