Jabiru J450 Constructors Manual
Pre-Paint>Fuselage>Firewall forward>Fit oil cooler
Tuesday, April 6, 2010
70 of 343
The fireproof sleeve can be difficult to fit, but blowing compressed air into the gap between
the oil line and the sleeve while pulling the sleeve over the oil line works rather well.
Roll the last inch or so of the fireproof sleeve back on each end and fit each oil line into place,
securing with the supplied hose clamp and cutting off the excess hose clamp screw. Now roll
the fireproof sleeve over the hose clamp and lock wire into place as shown top right, using a
double loop and twisting off. This provides fireproofing to the full length of the oil lines.
The completed oil line arrangement is shown above.
Fit the oil cooler duct to the front of the oil cooler as
shown at right, using 2 x self-tapping screws at the top
and 2 x 4mm screws and Nyloc nuts at the bottom.
Take care to place the flap section of the duct (arrowed)
at the top.
Completed oil line arrangement between the adaptor and the oil cooler