Jabiru J450 Constructors Manual
Post-Paint>Fuselage>Interior>Fit upholstery 2
Tuesday, April 6, 2010
260 of 343
Fuel line covering
Wrap the fuel line sheathing with the supplied lengths of Velcro-edged fabric – wrap around
the fuel lines and position the Velcro join line so that it can be pressed against the top outside
of the cabin above the rear windows– the Velcro will hold the fuel lines neatly in place.
Fuel pump access panel
Fit the panel behind the rear seat and secure with countersunk screws and Tinnerman washers.
Rear bulkhead sound curtain
Attach the sound curtain to the rear bulkhead with about 8 evenly spaced Velcro strips.
Rear seat cover
Fit the rear seat cover to the seat base and press the Velcro retaining strips into place.
Bolt the front and rear seatbelts to the seatbelt fittings – the
shoulder harness fits to the outside of each seat while the lap
part of the harness fits to the centre.
Each seatbelt fitting is fitted to the outside of the mounting
bracket (away from the seat) with an AN3 bolt with one
washer under the head, through the mounting bracket, the
seatbelt fitting, then the heavy flat washer (from the
” card) and a plain washer then the Nyloc nut.
Tighten the Nyloc nuts to safety.
Sound curtain
Sheathed fuel lines
Headset bracket