Jabiru J450 Constructors Manual
Post-Paint>Fuselage>Firewall forward>Fit propeller and spinner
Tuesday, April 6, 2010
274 of 343
Post-Paint>Fuselage>Firewall forward>Fit propeller and spinner
Objectives of this task:
In this task the propeller will be fitted to the engine and the spinner will be mounted.
The propeller must be fitted before the engine can be rotated or run.
This task covers the fitting of either the Jabiru or Sensenich propeller.
The cylinder compression can cause the propeller to move unexpectedly when rotating the
engine and so for safety reasons all spark plugs should be removed and set aside and the spark
plug holes should be covered with a clean cloth during this task.
Materials and equipment required:
Card # 23 „
Spinner hardware
inspection putty, small torque wrench
Fit the propeller
Sand both sides of each spinner mounting plate flat in the flange/propeller mounting area.
Turn the engine so that one set of flywheel magnets are at the top (circled above left). This
will ensure that the propeller will stop in a horizontal position. Fit the guide bushes from the
back of the propeller flange and fit the rear spinner mounting plate over them with the cupped
face towards the rear. Fit the propeller so that the upper blade is closest to the 11 o‟clock
position when viewed from the front of the engine. Tap the bolts through with a soft hammer.
Fit the front spinner mounting plate with the cupped face towards the front, followed by the
machined aluminium mounting plate.
On each bolt place pairs of Belleville washers in a „cup to cup‟ arrangement:
( ) ( )
prop: 4 pairs, Sensenich prop: 3 pairs) followed by a single flat washer and a Nyloc nut.
Tighten the nuts until they are just firm and then torque each nut (
Jabiru prop
: 7 ft/lbs or 9.5
Sensenich prop
: 12ft/lbs or 16.25 Nm) working in a diagonal or criss-cross pattern.