Jabiru J450 Constructors Manual
Pre-Paint>Fuselage>Firewall forward>Fit ram air cooling ducts
Tuesday, April 6, 2010
77 of 343
The baffles at the rear of each duct will need to be trimmed to allow the duct to sit down
correctly. Test fit and trim until the inside of the duct sits down on the barrels, between the
fins as shown above right, and the outside sits just on the top of the rocker covers.
Once the rear baffle and air dams are fitting correctly you can mark and drill each of the 3
rocker cover holes (circled in the photo at the top of the previous page) to ¼” and temporarily
mount both ducts using the cap screws.
Mark a point on the inside of the duct directly above
each front cylinder and drill a 3/32” hole, then flock
and rivet the supplied right angle spring bracket into
place as shown at right, placing a washer on the rivet
inside the duct.
Fit a loop of lock wire around the cylinder between the
third and fourth fin and through the bottom of the
spring and twist it off.
The spring may be unhooked at the bracket end to
remove the duct.
Left-hand duct, shown
here upside down.
The pencil marking is
on the rear baffle
Fitted left-hand side duct.