Jabiru J450 Constructors Manual
Pre-Paint>Wings>Mount flaps
Tuesday, April 6, 2010
174 of 343
Take your time and get each flap
right: effort applied at this stage will be
repaid in flying pleasure later.
When the angle shaping is finished use a
straightedge to do a final check of the rear of
the wing (which should be absolutely
straight), while the angled underside of the
trailing edge of the wing will be a precise
match to the shape of the flap.
Prepare to flock the flap brackets
Position the flap onto the wing again. Place some very thin spacers (paint thickness, or about
0.2mm) between the top of the flap and the lip at the rear of the trailing edge. Reset the lateral
flap position and refit the mixing stick spacers as described at the top of the previous page.
particular about the flap positioning at this time because you are about to mount the
flaps permanently, and once they are mounted it will be extremely difficult to make any
changes without causing considerable damage!
Remove the peel cloth from the outside and the inside of the flap
brackets. Lightly sand the inside and outside of each bracket.
Lightly sand the entire peel cloth area where each bracket will be
mounted to ensure a good bond.
Using regular brown packing tape, gently tape over the gap between
the flap and the wing as shown at right to prevent any flock from
entering the gap. Take care not to move the flap in any direction!
Check that the mixer stick spacers are still correctly positioned.
Place a bush in each flap post and carefully
sand off the sharp edges from the rounded end
of each flap post (circled at right).
Cut the glass fibre cloth from the bag marked
Hollow Wing
‟ as marked – cut slightly outside
the marked area.
There will be 3 pieces of glass fibre cloth for
each flap bracket. Lay them on the wing in
front of each flap bracket position.
Make a final check of the flap alignment and make any final adjustments that may be
required: remember, this next step will be almost impossible to undo so be absolutely sure
that the flap is correctly aligned before moving on to the next step.