Jabiru J450 Constructors Manual
Post-Paint>Fuselage>Install electrical wiring
Tuesday, April 6, 2010
231 of 343
Engine bay wiring routing
The engine wiring bundle can now be zip tied to the right top engine mount and then the
starter cables and the breather tube can be zip tied over top of those wires. Take some time to
route all of the wires neatly and zip tie any loose wires together. When all wires have been zip
tied you can trim off the excess ends of the zip ties.
In the photos above you can see the general arrangement of the engine bay wiring.
Wire the strobes (optional)
Fit the strobe unit to the left side step on the firewall and feed all of the strobe wiring through
the left-hand cable collar in the firewall – this separates the high voltage strobe wiring from
the low voltage signal wiring that passes through the right hand cable collar.
Connect the strobe power supply wiring to Connector
connect the strobe output wiring
to the strobe wires that were fitted in the
Pre-Paint>Fuselage>Fit control cables and lines
task. Fit the strobe unit to the top of the fin and connect the wiring.
Wingtip strobe units will be connected after the wings have been fitted to the fuselage.
Seal the cable collars
Once all wiring has been routed through the 2 cable collars, each collar must be sealed with
automotive exhaust sealer putty, which is available from any auto supply shop.
Push the putty into the cable collars from the firewall side until it can be seen inside the cabin
and then smooth both sides off with your thumb. This will provide a fire resistant plug seal
that will delay an engine fire from reaching the cabin through the cable collars.
Connect the high-tension leads and CHT sensor
Remove the ram air ducts from the cylinder heads. Remove the left rear spark plug and fit the
CHT sensor under the plug. Refit the spark plug.
The high-tension leads are zip tied in pairs and grouped for each side of the engine, and the
lengths of the leads are such that each pair will only fit properly to one cylinder. Test fit the
leads with the ducts off, and then feed them through the rubber grommet in the rear of each
duct and push the spark plug leads firmly onto the spark plugs. Replace the ram air ducts.
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