Jabiru J450 Constructors Manual
Pre-Paint>Fuselage>Fit cowling
Tuesday, April 6, 2010
115 of 343
Fit the cabin air inlet flange
a 30mm hole on the left front of the lower cowl, 100mm below the bottom lip of the air
inlet and 180mm to the left
of the propeller centreline.
Sand the back of the flange
(from Card # J25) and
around the inside of the cowl
around the hole.
Mix a small batch of 5-
minute Araldite and flock
and fix the flange into place.
Fit the induction air intake scoop
The induction air duct is fitted to the left hand side of the bottom cowl.
Assemble the duct with 5-minute Araldite. Hold the scoop on the outside of the cowl in the
position as shown above, keeping the rear edge of the scoop at right angles to the hinge line
and mark around the outside of the unit and then make a second line inside the first about the
size of the actual opening.
Cut the opening and fit the scoop to the
inside of the cowl, holding it in place
with 5 x 6G stainless steel screws and
adjust the opening to match the shape of
the scoop. Mix a batch of 5-minute
Araldite and flock and fix the scoop into
place, holding it in place with the
When the Araldite/flock has cured, heat and remove the screws, mix a small batch of resin
and apply a single layer of AF303 glass fibre cloth on the inside of the cowl over both sides
and across the rear of the scoop. Leave overnight to cure.
Next day apply filler to blend the cowl opening smoothly into the scoop.
Do a final test fit then remove and store the cowls and hinge pins until you are ready to paint.
This completes the
Pre-Paint>Fuselage>Fit cowling