Jabiru J450 Constructors Manual
Post-Paint>Wings>Fit fairings
Tuesday, April 6, 2010
296 of 343
Post-Paint>Wings>Fit fairings
Objectives of this task:
To fit the final trim: specifically the wing root fairings, the upper strut fairings, the lower
strut/main gear recess fairings and the wheel spats.
Wing root fairing
The wing root fairing comes in 3 parts: 2
upper and 1 lower. Fit the lower fairing first
– tape the fairing into place with the fairing
just touching the fuselage and then screw the
fairing to the wing with 5 x evenly-spaced
6G stainless steel self-tapping screws.
Fit the top front fairing with the front return
overlapping the lower fairing and screw in
place in the same manner.
Fit the rear top fairing as shown.
Repeat the process for the other wing.
Refer to the photos at right for details of
placement and screw spacing.
Wing tank earth
Fit a length of lock wire to the quick-drain
fitting under the wing and long enough to
reach a rear fairing screw and twist it.
Crimp a red ring connector to the lock wire.
Trim the white earth wire that you fitted in
Post-Paint>Wings>Connect wing tanks
task so that it reaches the same fairing screw
and crimp a red ring connector to it.
Fit both ring connectors under the same
fairing screw and tighten the screw firmly.
Repeat the process for the other wing.
Upper strut fairing
Fit the front section of the fairing into place
with 6G stainless steel self-tapping screws as
shown in the photo at right.
Repeat the process for the other wing.