Jabiru J450 Constructors Manual
General>Constructors manual
Tuesday, April 6, 2010
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General>Constructors manual
Welcome to the Constructors Manual!
In this Manual you will find all the instructions that you will need to build your very own
Jabiru, one step or task at a time. Each task in this Manual stands alone, with the intention that
each task will be completed before you move on to the next task. There are many good
reasons for this approach: you can easily keep track of where you are in the build; it forms a
checklist to ensure that nothing gets overlooked; and in many cases a task will be dependant
on the completion of a previous task, and if the sequence shown in the
Table of Contents
followed there will be no issues of this kind.
Table of Contents
of this Manual is also the
Build Sequence
We suggest that you print the
Table of Contents
out and keep it on the wall in your workshop.
As each task is completed mark it off - in this manner you can accurately track your progress
while ensuring that nothing gets overlooked.
The manual has been arranged into 2 major
Which have been further
is then broken down into
as required.
In the main the only sets of tasks that can be done without relation to each other are those
under the
. Tasks in one group may be worked on
independent of tasks in the other group but the individual sequences under each group really
need to remain intact.
This Manual details the procedures that we have refined over many years of certified factory
builds, all combined with the experience of many kit builders to produce a document that
combines the best of both worlds: efficient, proven factory techniques throughout, but
arranged into a build sequence that meets the needs of kit builders.
For example: the first objective for most kit builders is to get the fuselage up onto its wheels
and mobile as quickly as possible so that the fuselage can be moved around the workshop/out
of the way of the wife‟s car/outside for cleaning/etc. By way of contrast, in the factory the
fuselage remains in a floor-mounted jig for the majority of the
tasks, which is not
usually an option for most kit builders.
Each task contains photographs of the work in progress in our factory, often in a step-by-step
manner in the case of the more complex tasks. While the Manual is formatted in A4 size you
may wish to print some pages in A3 size (if you have a suitable printer) for a clearer view
should that be required. Each task starts on a new page so you can print out single tasks.
As you work through this manual, and we suggest that you read it right through from start to
finish before you start your build, if something is not completely clear please call your dealer
or e-mail us for clarification: it may be that we can better explain something for the benefit of
future kit builders at the same time as helping you.
Enjoy your build!