Jabiru J450 Constructors Manual
Testing>Flight testing
Tuesday, April 6, 2010
335 of 343
Sequence #3
– Performance and handling
Print and use the Flight Testing form
Sequence #3
for each test flight in this sequence.
If all of the rigging corrections in
Sequence #2
have been done correctly and all equipment
performs correctly then this sequence will usually only require one flight.
Record the date and engine hours as well as the wind direction and strength, the OAT, the
Runway in use and the local QNH.
Loading rules
This Sequence is performed with either:
Pilot weighing 100 Kg or less and 100 litres of fuel; or
Pilot and 1 passenger for a combined weight of 172Kg or less and 50 litres of fuel.
Climb at 80 KIAS using full power to 3000 feet AGL or higher, watching the engine
instrumentation for any tendency towards overheating. If temperatures get near to the top of
the green range increase airspeed to 90 KIAS improve the cooling airflow, and if temperatures
are still too high then reduce power as required. Once established in a suitable test area,
perhaps directly over the airfield, stall testing can start. During the course of the stall testing it
will be necessary to climb back to the starting altitude from time to time.
The stalls are performed in the configurations listed on page 1 of the Flight Testing form
Sequence #3
Each stall is started from 60 KIAS and the aircraft is decelerated at a constant rate of 1 knot
per second until the wing is fully stalled, which will require an increasing rearward rate of
movement of the control stick.
Record the
Indicated Airspeed
(IAS) at which each stall occurs.
If anything out of the ordinary occurs during the stall testing phase record it in the Notes
section at the end of the form.
Trim Speed Range
In the cruise configuration (2800-2900 rpm) record the trim speeds achieved at the full aft and
full forward trim lever positions. Trim speed limitations are 50-65 KIAS in the aft trim
position and 90-140 KIAS for the forward trim position.
In the approach configuration (full flap, engine at idle: 1000-1200 rpm) record the trim speeds
achieved at the full aft and full forward trim lever positions. Trim speed limitations are: 60-70
KIAS in the aft trim position, and then trim forward until the airspeed reaches the end of the
white arc (V
) on the ASI.
Glide at 62 KIAS
Retract the flaps, reduce the power to idle and trim the aircraft for a 62 KIAS glide.
Note the controllability and if the controls are rigged properly.
Descend under power, typically 2700-2900 rpm, and approach V
in small speed increases.
Note any vibration or buffeting as well as the overall controllability of the aircraft.
Do not exceed V
under any circumstances.