Jabiru J450 Constructors Manual
Post-Paint>Wings>Prepare wings for fitting
Tuesday, April 6, 2010
286 of 343
Fit the vent tubes to the fuel filler caps
The fuel filler caps came partly assembled on the card and were fitted to the fuel filler
opening on the wing in the
Pre-Paint>Wings>Prepare wing root
task to keep dirt out of the
wing tanks, all that remains now is for you to fit the vent tubes to the fuel caps.
Working on one wing at a time, remove the fuel cap and place a clean cloth or a piece of tape
over the fuel filler opening so that no dirt or debris can fall into the tank during this process.
Start by carefully cleaning away any paint from the top of the fuel cap and in particular from
the vent tube hole in the top of the cap.
Use a file to cut 4 notches each 1mm deep into the top of the vent tube. Remove all burrs.
Fit the notched end of the vent tube to the vent cap – the vent tube should be a snug fit into
the vent cap, use fine sandpaper if required to size the tube to a good fit. Now, working upside
down, drop the small white vent ball into the vent cap and use a smear of Loctite 620 to fix
the vent tube into the vent cap. Make sure that nothing has caught the vent ball – the ball
should still rattle in the vent cap when the assembled tube and cap is shaken.
Fit the vent tube to the hole in the top of the cap – the vent tube should be a snug fit into the
hole, use fine sandpaper if required to size the tube and then fix it in place with Loctite 620
with the breather holes in the vent cap facing towards the outside of the fuel cap.
This completes the
Post-Paint>Wings>Prepare wings for fitting
Fuel cap
Vent tube
Vent ball
Vent cap