Jabiru J450 Constructors Manual
Pre-Paint>Wings>Prepare wing root
Tuesday, April 6, 2010
162 of 343
Pre-Paint>Wings>Prepare wing root
Objectives of this task:
To fit all of the fuel and breather fittings in the wing root and trim the flap arm cutouts.
Materials required:
Card # J11 “
Fuel Components
Fit the fuel fittings
Fit the breather tube
Cut out the flap arm recess
Fit the fuel fittings
Start by removing all the protective tape from the openings, then thread a finger filter into
each of the bottom fuel fittings and remove – this will clear any surplus sealant that may have
accumulated around the fittings. Clean the finger filters and apply a smear of Loctite 577 to
the threads then refit the filters and tighten firmly. Take care not to cross-thread any fittings.
Apply a drop of Loctite 577 to the threads of the blanking plug and fit to the top rear fitting.
Assemble the fittings onto the
breather tube as shown and then
insert the breather tube into the
front top fitting and work it fully
into the wing tank – there are cut-
outs in the top of the tank ribs to
allow the breather tube to fit along
the top of the tank and it may be
necessary to gently manoeuvre the
tube through them. A very slight
bend about 200mm back from the
end of the tube can be useful. Push
the tube in until the end of the tank
is felt and then back it out roughly
Once the tube is in place, apply a smear of Loctite 577 to the threads of the brass nipple and
tighten it into the fitting, then do the same with the gland nut. The 90° curved end of the
breather tube should face the rear of the wing and be horizontal when finally fitted.
Place a square of tape over the fuel gauge opening for the moment. Due to the breakable
nature of the fuel gauge it will be calibrated and installed after the wing has been painted.
Finger filters
Fuel gauge