Jabiru J450 Constructors Manual
Pre-Paint>Wings>Fit quick drain sumps
Tuesday, April 6, 2010
170 of 343
Fit the quick drain sump body
Clean away any dust then sand and test fit the quick drain body.
Note that the fuel tank may be deeper in the wing and the drain body could be recessed more
than the example shown in the photos on this page. This is because the tank sits closer to the
top of the wing than the bottom. Mix a small batch of resin and coat the quick drain body and
the mounting hole, then add flock and bed the quick drain body into place.
Add flock to build up to surface level and smooth away any excess with a clean mixing stick.
Make sure that no flock sets across the drain hole – clean away any excess inside the drain
hole with a length of wire or similar. Leave overnight to cure. The flock will be partly covered
by the glass fibre cloth lay up for the flaps and any roughness in the finish will be rectified in
Painting>Pre paint preparation
Clean the wing tanks
The fuel system will be flushed through in the
phase prior to flight.
Next day thoroughly clean the fuel tanks to remove any dirt or debris that may have fallen
into the fuel tanks during the construction process: vacuum inside the fuel gauge opening then
remove the cover from the fuel filler cap and blow compressed air into the tank to move
debris and at the same time hold a vacuum cleaner nozzle at the fuel filler and fuel gauge
openings so that you have a continuous airflow through the tank.
When you are satisfied that the tank is clean, seal all openings into the tank: the fuel filler
opening, the quick drain fitting, the fuel gauge opening and all wing root fuel fittings.
This completes the
Pre-Paint>Wings>Fit quick drain sumps