Jabiru J450 Constructors Manual
Pre-Paint>Fuselage>Fit flap drive shaft bearing blocks
Tuesday, April 6, 2010
117 of 343
Fit the bearing blocks
Roughen the inside of the fuselage around the area where the bearing blocks will be mounted
and sand the backs of the bearing blocks, mix a small batch of resin and coat the area to be
bonded then add flock to the resin and apply a 3mm bed of flock to the back of each block,
then slip them onto the shaft with the flocked sides facing out and fit the shaft to the fuselage
one end at a time, working from inside the cabin.
Move each block out and bed it against the fuselage and secure it with countersunk screws
and Tinneman washers from the outside of the fuselage and washers and Nyloc nuts on the
The photo above shows the bearing blocks (circled) flocked into place with the drive
shaft keeping them in alignment: the photo has been taken from the front of the aircraft facing
towards the rear.
Tighten the nuts just enough to hold each
block in place while leaving the shaft free
to turn. Clean away any excess flock from
around the block and leave overnight to
cure. The photo at right shows the fitted
block from the outside with the drive
shaft still in place, while the photo below
shows the block from the inside with the
shaft removed.
Next day tighten the Nyloc nuts firmly and do
a final check for binding, then remove the flap
drive shaft completely: pull it out through one
side of the fuselage, clean off the wax, make
sure that the inner and outer shafts are fitted
together then reassemble the drive fittings to
the shaft and store for later use.
This completes the
Pre-Paint>Fuselage>Fit flap drive shaft bearing blocks