Jabiru J450 Constructors Manual
Post-Paint>Fuselage>Install electrical wiring
Tuesday, April 6, 2010
225 of 343
Post-Paint>Fuselage>Install electrical wiring
Objectives of this task:
To install all of the electrical wiring in the aircraft and connect to the multi-pin plugs.
Each wire will need to be cut from the supplied coils of aircraft grade wire. The length
required will vary depending on how you choose to route the wire and so it is difficult to give
any exact lengths, but generally you should allow a little extra length to be on the safe side.
Study the photos in this task to see how we route our factory wiring before starting work.
Materials required:
Wiring Kit, as well as both the
Electrical wiring diagrams
Assemble instrument panel
tasks for reference and for pin assignment for the multi pin connectors.
Before heading out to the aircraft there are a couple of things that need to be prepared:
The 2 tachometer (tacho) sender unit wires will
need to be soldered to 2 x 700mm lengths of 16
gauge wire as shown at right.
Because soldering hardens the wire there is a
risk of the wire breaking just beyond the solder
joint, so the wires are joined by twisting the bare
ends of the tacho wire around the bare ends of
the 16g wire and soldering them together and
then doubling the thinner wires back and
covering each, and then both, wires with heat
shrink tubing, all as shown below.
This method provides a much safer joint that
allows the wire to flex without the danger of
breaking near the solder joint. Label each white
wire as being positive (red) or negative (black).
The CHT sender plug halves can now be
connected and then the connector halves can be
fixed together with 2 zip ties as shown at right.
Cut off the ends of the zip ties.