Jabiru J450 Constructors Manual
Pre-Paint>Fuselage>Fit windscreen
Tuesday, April 6, 2010
79 of 343
Pre-Paint>Fuselage>Fit windscreen
The windscreen is an integral structural component of the airframe, providing strength and
rigidity, and the correct fitting method is very important.
The windscreen is made from strong but brittle Perspex and care
must be taken to avoid marking or cracking the windscreen while it
is being fitted. The use of sharp or new drill bits must be avoided:
use an old drill bit and blunt it before use by drilling into some
concrete, and then grip the bit loosely with a pair of pliers while
running the drill (see photo at right) to remove any roughness from
the flutes that might bind and cause damage to the Perspex.
Any shaping of the windscreen that may be required must be done with an 80 grit sanding
disc, and you must
use a jigsaw. Photos are of a J200: the same process applies to all.
Materials required:
Epoxy resin and flock
¼ x ¼” adhesive-backed foam strip (not included in kit)
Pre fit the windscreen
Start by carefully sanding away all of the gel coat from the joggle, then fit a length of the ¼”
foam strip around the very inside of the joggle (the grey line in the photo above right) – this
will keep the flock from making a messy line around the inside of the windscreen and give a
nice clean edge when the windscreen has been flocked into place.
Test fit the windscreen, holding it in place temporarily with a strip of cloth tape on each side
as shown above. The arrows show the side screw positioning – refer to next page.
Note that the protective plastic cover has been folded back from the edges of the windscreen.
Check around the entire perimeter of the windscreen for any areas where the Perspex does not
fit neatly inside of the joggle and carefully sand away the Perspex until it fits. In most cases
the windscreen will fit correctly without any alteration, but nonetheless check carefully.