Jabiru J450 Constructors Manual
Post-Paint>Fuselage>Interior>Fit upholstery 2
Tuesday, April 6, 2010
261 of 343
Front seat covers
Identify the left and right side front seat covers. Slip each seat cover over the correct seat back
and pull the cover as far down as you can, then roll the lower part of the cover over the seat
base and pat the Velcro front edge into place.
Aileron bellcrank cover
Note that this cover is fitted
the wings have been fitted
and the aileron cables have been connected and adjusted. It is
included in this
Upholstery 2
task for convenience.
Slip the cover over the rear of the console as shown in the
photo at right: check that the aileron cable slots are correctly
positioned and they do not cause any restriction to the aileron
cables and fit the cover in place with 3 x 6G stainless self
tapping screws: 1 each side at the front of the cover and 1 at
the rear of the cover.
This completes the
Post-Paint>Fuselage> Interior>Fit upholstery 2