11 10 terminals to connect the CANopen bus signals
12 Terminal unit
13 DIN rail
Sign for XC version Intended purpose
The CANopen communication interface module CI582-CN is used as decentralized I/O module
in CANopen networks. Depending on the terminal unit used, the network connection is per-
formed either via a female 9-pin D-sub connector or via 10 terminals (screw or spring terminals)
which are integrated in the terminal unit. The communication interface module contains 24 I/O
channels with the following properties:
● 8 digital configurable inputs/outputs in 1 group (1.0...1.7)
● 8 digital inputs 24 V DC in 1 group (2.0...2.7)
● 8 digital outputs 24 V DC in 1 group (3.0...3.7)
The inputs/outputs are galvanically isolated from the CANopen network. There is no potential
separation between the channels. The configuration of the analog inputs/outputs is performed
by software.
For use in extreme ambient conditions (e.g. wider temperature and humidity range), a special
XC version of the device is available. Functionality
Power supply
From the process supply voltage UP
Supply of the electronic circuitry of the I/O
modules attached
Through the I/O bus interface (I/O bus)
Rotary switches
For setting the CANopen Node ID for configura-
tion purposes (00h to FFh)
LED displays
For system displays, signal states, errors and
power supply
External supply voltage
Via terminals ZP, UP and UP3 (process supply
voltage 24 V DC)
Transmission rates
10 / 20 / 50 / 125 / 250 / 500 / 800 kbit/s 1
Mbit/s Auto transmission rate detection is sup-
Bus connection
Depending on used terminal unit TU510: 9-pin
D-sub connector TU518: 10-pin terminal block
Hilscher NETX 100
CI58x can only be used on onboard CAN inter-
face and without any I/O expansion module
Table 132 “CANopen” on page 617
State display
Module state: PWR/RUN, CN-RUN, CN-ERR,
E-ERR, I/O bus
Adjusting elements
2 rotary switches for generation of the node
Device specifications
Communication interface modules (S500) > CANopen
3ADR010278, 3, en_US