Device Level Interrupt Management
SPNU503C – March 2018
Copyright © 2018, Texas Instruments Incorporated
Vectored Interrupt Manager (VIM) Module
15.2.1 Interrupt Generation at the Peripheral
Interrupt generation begins when an event occurs within a peripheral module. Some examples of interrupt-
capable events are expiration of a counter within a timer module, receipt of a character in a
communications module, and completion of a conversion in an analog-to-digital converter (ADC) module.
Some device peripherals are capable of requesting interrupts on more than one interrupt request line.
Interrupts are not always generated when an event occurs; the peripheral must make an interrupt request
to the VIM based on the event occurrence. Typically, the peripheral contains:
An interrupt flag bit for each event to signify the event occurrence.
An interrupt enable bit to control whether the event occurrence causes an interrupt request to the VIM.
15.2.2 Interrupt Handling at the CPU
The ARM CPU provides two vectors for interrupt requests—fast interrupt requests (FIQs) and normal
interrupt requests (IRQs). FIQs are higher priority than IRQs, and FIQ interrupts may interrupt IRQ
The FIQ implemented in Cortex-R4F is Non-Maskable Fast Interrupts (NMFI). Once FIQ is
enabled (by clearing F bit in CPSR), it can NOT be disabled by setting F bit in CPSR. Only a
reset or an FIQ will be able to set the F bit in CPSR. By hardware, Non Maskable FIQ are
not reentrant.
After reset (power reset or warm reset), both FIQ and IRQ are disabled. The CPU may enable these
interrupt request channels individually within the CPSR (Current Program Status Register); CPSR bits 6
and 7 must be cleared to enable the FIQ (bit 6) and IRQ (bit 7) interrupt requests at the CPU. CPSR is
writable in privilege mode only.
shows how to enable the IRQ and FIQ through CPSR.
When the CPU receives an interrupt request, the CPSR mode field changes to either FIQ or IRQ mode.
When an IRQ interrupt is received, the CPU disables other IRQ interrupts by setting CPSR bit 7. When an
FIQ interrupt is received, the CPU disables both IRQ and FIQ interrupts by setting CPSR bits 6 and 7.
A write of 1 to CPSR bit 7 disables the IRQ from CPU. However, a write of 1 to CPSR bit 6 leaves it
also shows how to disable the IRQ through CPSR.