SPNU503C – March 2018
Copyright © 2018, Texas Instruments Incorporated
An “Exception” is an event that makes the processor temporarily halt the normal flow of program
execution, for example, to service an interrupt from a peripheral. Before attempting to handle an
exception, the processor preserves the critical parts of the current processor state so that the original
program can resume when the handler routine has finished.
The following sections describe three exceptions – Reset, Abort and the System Software Interrupts.
For complete details on all exceptions, refer to the
-R4F Technical Reference Manual
2.3.1 Resets
The RM48x microcontroller can be reset by either of the conditions described in
. Each reset
condition is indicated in the System Exception Status Register (SYSESR).
The device nRST terminal is an I/O. It can be driven low by an external circuit to force a warm reset on the
microcontroller. This terminal will be driven low as an output for a minimum of 32 peripheral clock (VCLK)
cycles for any device system reset condition. As a result the EXTRST bit in the SYSESR register,
SYSESR[3], gets set for all reset conditions listed in
. The nRST is driven low as an output for a
longer duration during device power-up or whenever the power-on reset (nPORRST) is driven low
externally. Refer to the device datasheet for the electrical and timing specifications for the nRST.
Table 2-8. Causes of Resets
Driving nPORRST pin low
Cold reset, or power-on reset. This reset signal is typically driven by an external voltage
supervisor. This reset is flagged by the PORST bit in the SYSESR register, SYSESR[15].
Voltage Monitor reset
The microcontroller has an embedded voltage monitor that generates a power-on reset when
the core voltage gets out of a valid range, or when the I/O voltage falls below a threshold.
This reset is also flagged by the PORST bit in the SYSESR register, SYSESR[15].
The voltage monitor is not an alternative for an external voltage supervisor.
Driving nRST pin low externally
Warm reset. This reset input is typically used in a system with multiple ICs and which requires
that the microcontroller also gets reset whenever the other IC detects a fault condition. This
reset is flagged by the EXTRST bit in the SYSESR, register SYSESR[3].
Oscillator failure
This reset is generated by the system module when the clock monitor detects an oscillator fail
condition. Whether or not a reset is generated is also dictated by a register in the system
module. This reset is flagged by the OSCRST bit in the SYSESR register, SYSESR[14].
Software reset
This reset is generated by the application software writing a 1 to bit 15 of System Exception
Control Register (SYSECR) or a 0 to bit 14 of SYSECR. It is typically used by a bootloader
type of code that uses a software reset to allow the code execution to branch to the
application code once it is programmed into the program memory. This reset is flagged by the
SWRST bit in the SYSESR register, SYSESR[4].
CPU reset
This reset is generated by the CPU self-test controller (LBIST) or by changing the memory
protection (MMU/MPU) configuration in the CPURSTCR register. This reset is flagged by the
CPURST bit in the SYSESR register, SYSESR[5].
Debug reset
The ICEPICK logic implemented on the microcontroller allows a system reset to be generated
via the debug logic. This reset is flagged by the WDRST bit in the SYSESR register,
Watchdog reset
This reset is generated by the digital windowed watchdog (DWWD) module on the
microcontroller. The DWWD can generate a reset whenever the watchdog service window is
violated. This reset is flagged by the WDRST bit in the SYSESR register, SYSESR[13].
2.3.2 Aborts
When the ARM Cortex-R4F processor's memory system cannot complete a memory access successfully,
an abort is generated. An error occurring on an instruction fetch generates a
prefetch abort
. Errors
occurring on data accesses generate
data aborts
. Aborts are also categorized as being either