Functional Description of GIO Module
SPNU503C – March 2018
Copyright © 2018, Texas Instruments Incorporated
General-Purpose Input/Output (GIO) Module
Pull disable (GIOPULDIS)
Disables the internal pull on GIO terminal(s) configured as inputs by writing to the GIOPULDISx
Pull select (GIOPSL)
Selects internal pull down (default) or pull up on GIO terminal(s) configured as inputs by writing to the
GIOPULSELx registers.
Refer to the specific device's datasheet to identify the number of GIO ports as well as the input and output
functions supported. Some devices may not support the programmable pull controls. In that case, the pull
disable and the pull select register controls will not work.
22.3.2 Interrupt Function
The GIO module supports up to 32 terminals to be configured for generating an interrupt to the host
processor through the Vectored Interrupt Manager (VIM). The main functions of the interrupt block are:
Select the GIO pin(s) that is/are used to generate interrupt(s)
This is done via the interrupt enable set and clear registers, GIOENASET and GIOENACLR.
Select the edge on the selected GIO pin(s) that is/are used to generate interrupt(s): rising/falling/both
Rising or falling edge can be selected via the GIOPOL register. If interrupt is required to be generated
on both rising and falling edges, this can be configured via the GIOINTDET register.
Select the interrupt priority
Low- or high-level interrupt can be selected through the GIOLVLSET and GIOLVLCLR registers.
Individual interrupt flags are set in the GIOFLG register
The terminals on GIO ports A through D are all interrupt-capable and can be used to handle either general
I/O functions or interrupt requests. Each interrupt request can be connected to the VIM at one of two
different levels – High (or A) and Low (or B), depending on the VIM channel number. The VIM has an
inherent priority scheme so that a request on a lower number channel has a higher priority than a request
on a higher number channel. Refer the device datasheet to identify the VIM channel numbers for the GIO
level A and level B interrupt requests. Also note that the interrupt priority of level A and level B interrupt
handling blocks can be re-programmed in the VIM.
22.3.3 GIO Block Diagram
The GIO block diagram (
) represents the flow of information through a pin. The shaded area
corresponds to the I/O block; the unshaded area corresponds to the interrupt block.