SPNU503C – March 2018
Copyright © 2018, Texas Instruments Incorporated
List of Figures
16-15. Detailed Interrupt Structure (Frame Transfer Complete Path)
16-16. Example of Channel Chaining
16-17. Example of Protection Mechanism
16-18. Global Control Register (GCTRL) [offset = 00]
16-19. Channel Pending Register (PEND) [offset = 04h]
16-20. DMA Status Register (DMASTAT) [offset = 0Ch]
16-21. HW Channel Enable Set and Status Register (HWCHENAS) [offset = 14h]
16-22. HW Channel Enable Reset and Status Register (HWCHENAR) [offset = 1Ch]
16-23. SW Channel Enable Set and Status Register (SWCHENAS) [offset = 24h]
16-24. SW Channel Enable Reset and Status Register (SWCHENAR) [offset = 2Ch]
16-25. Channel Priority Set Register (CHPRIOS) [offset = 34h]
16-26. Channel Priority Reset Register (CHPRIOR) [offset = 3Ch]
16-27. Global Channel Interrupt Enable Set Register (GCHIENAS) [offset = 44h]
16-28. Global Channel Interrupt Enable Reset Register (GCHIENAR) [offset = 4Ch]
16-29. DMA Request Assignment Register 0 (DREQASI0) [offset = 54h]
16-30. DMA Request Assignment Register 1 (DREQASI1) [offset = 58h]
16-31. DMA Request Assignment Register 2 (DREQASI2) [offset = 5Ch]
16-32. DMA Request Assignment Register 3 (DREQASI3) [offset = 60h]
16-33. Port Assignment Register 0 (PAR0) [offset = 94h]
16-34. Port Assignment Register 1 (PAR1) [offset = 98h]
16-35. FTC Interrupt Mapping Register (FTCMAP) [offset = B4h]
16-36. LFS Interrupt Mapping Register (LFSMAP) [offset = BCh]
16-37. HBC Interrupt Mapping Register (HBCMAP) [offset = C4h]
16-38. BTC Interrupt Mapping Register (BTCMAP) [offset = CCh]
16-39. FTC Interrupt Enable Set (FTCINTENAS) [offset = DCh]
16-40. FTC Interrupt Enable Reset (FTCINTENAR) [offset = E4h]
16-41. LFS Interrupt Enable Set (LFSINTENAS) [offset = ECh]
16-42. LFS Interrupt Enable Reset (LFSINTENAR) [offset = F4h]
16-43. HBC Interrupt Enable Set (HBCINTENAS) [offset = FCh]
16-44. HBC Interrupt Enable Reset (HBCINTENAR) [offset = 104h]
16-45. BTC Interrupt Enable Set (BTCINTENAS) [offset = 10Ch]
16-46. BTC Interrupt Enable Reset (BTCINTENAR) [offset = 114h]
16-47. Global Interrupt Flag Register (GINTFLAG) [offset = 11Ch]
16-48. FTC Interrupt Flag Register (FTCFLAG) [offset = 124h]
16-49. LFS Interrupt Flag Register (LFSFLAG) [offset = 12Ch]
16-50. HBC Interrupt Flag Register (HBCFLAG) [offset = 134h]
16-51. BTC Interrupt Flag Register (BTCFLAG) [offset = 13Ch]
16-52. FTCA Interrupt Channel Offset Register (FTCAOFFSET) [offset = 14Ch]
16-53. LFSA Interrupt Channel Offset Register (LFSAOFFSET) [offset = 150h]
16-54. HBCA Interrupt Channel Offset Register (HBCAOFFSET) [offset = 154h]
16-55. BTCA Interrupt Channel Offset Register (BTCAOFFSET) [offset = 158h]
16-56. FTCB Interrupt Channel Offset Register (FTCBOFFSET) [offset = 160h]
16-57. LFSB Interrupt Channel Offset Register (LFSBOFFSET) [offset = 164h]
16-58. HBCB Interrupt Channel Offset Register (HBCBOFFSET) [offset = 168h]
16-59. BTCB Interrupt Channel Offset Register (BTCBOFFSET) [offset = 16Ch]
16-60. Port Control Register (PTCRL) [offset = 178h]
16-61. RAM Test Control (RTCTRL) [offset = 17Ch]
16-62. Debug Control (DCTRL) [offset = 180h]
16-63. Watch Point Register (WPR) [offset = 184h]