Building Technologies
Boiler Sequence Controller RMK770
HVAC Products
10 Heating circuit control
The function block is activated
by assigning an output to a terminal,
by setting “Heating circuit = Active“
Main menu > Commissioning > Extra configuration > Heating circuit
Operating line
Factory setting
Heating circuit
Inactive/ Active
Using setting “Heating circuit = Active“, a virtual heating circuit can be activated, which
predefines heat demand according to the outside temperature or the heating curve (for
that purpose, a measured value of the outside temperature must be available), without
having this measured value available with the flow sensor and the actuating devices.
By assigning the relevant inputs (flow temperature sensor) and outputs (heating circuit
pump, mixing valve) to terminals, a “real heating circuit” will be activated.
For more detailed information about the virtual heating circuit, refer to section 8.2
“Weather-compensated setpoint for boiler sequencing”.
A weather-compensated heating circuit necessitates an outside temperature. A sensor
can be configured in
Main menu > Commissioning > Extra configuration > Miscellaneous >
Inputs > Outside sensor
The outside temperature can also be acquired via Konnex bus. For more detailed in-
formation, refer to subsection 13.3.2 “Outside temperature”.
Main menu > Commissioning > Extra configuration > Heating circuit > Outputs
Operating line
Adjustable values / remarks
Heating circuit pump
Heating circuit pump B
Mixing valve 3-pos
Mixing valve modulating
Main menu > Commissioning > Extra configuration > Heating circuit > Inputs
Operating line
Adjustable values / remarks
Flow sensor
Room sensor
Return sensor
Return temperature limitation
[Heating circuit pump] overload
Fault input heating circuit pump
[Heat circuit pump B] overload
Flow signal pump
Flow supervision heating circuit pump
Room setpoint adjuster abs
External room temperature setpoint adjuster
with absolute room temperature setpoints
Room setpoint adjuster rel
External room temperature setpoint adjuster
with room temperature setpoint readjust-
ment of ±3 K
Room operating mode
Timer function
Comfort extension
The internal heating circuit can be connected directly to the main distributor or after the
primary controller (if present).
This can be parameterized by making the following setting:
Main menu > Commissioning > Extra configuration > Heating circuit > Heat req heat circ
Operating line
Factory setting
Heat req heat circuit acting on
Main distributor / Pri-
mary controller
Main distributor
Extra configuration
Virtual heating circuit
Outside sensor
Heat requisition heating