Getting Started
User Manual 1173.9163.02 ─ 55
Risk of data loss due to voltage dips
For a
ZNBT40 with 24 ports
, a voltage dip with a duration of 18
ms or higher can
cause a reboot of the instrument. I.e. in its maximum configuration, the R&S
does not fully comply with standard EN
61326-2-1, chapter 6.4.101.
The reboot takes about 90 seconds; instrument settings performed between the pre-
ceding regular shutdown and the reboot are lost.
Starting the Analyzer and Shutting Down
The AC power switch is located in the upper part of the rear panel, together with the
mains connector and the fuse drawer (R&S
ZNBT only; see
on page 40 or
Chapter 4.2.4, "Rear Panel R&S
To start the analyzer, proceed as follows:
1. Switch the AC power switch to position
After power-on, the analyzer automatically goes to standby or ready state, depend-
ing on the state of the standby toggle key at the front panel when the instrument
was switched off last time.
2. If necessary, press the standby toggle key on the front panel to switch the instru-
ment to ready state (R&S
ZNB: green LED goes on; R&S
from amber to green).
The instrument automatically performs a system check, boots the Windows
ating system and then starts the vector network analyzer (VNA) application. If it
was terminated regularly, the VNA application restores all recall sets and instru-
ment settings of the previous analyzer session.
To shut down the analyzer, proceed as follows:
1. Press the standby key.
Pressing the standby key causes the instrument to save all loaded recall sets, to
close the VNA application, to shut down Windows
, and to go to standby state. Of
course, you can also perform these steps manually, like in any Windows session.
2. If desired, set the AC power switch to position
Risk of data loss
It is recommended to switch the analyzer to standby state before disconnecting it from
the AC supply. If you set the power switch to 0 while the VNA application is still run-
ning, you lose the current settings. Moreover, loss of program data cannot be excluded
if the application is terminated improperly.
Putting the Analyzer into Operation