Pearl Mini User Guide
Restrict viewers by IP address
If you have global allow/deny lists or a global user password, you can override the
global settings and remove all access control for a channel by selecting
Use these
and leaving all the fields blank.
5. (Optional) Enter the allow and deny IP addresses for viewers of this channel. see
for details about allow and deny lists.
6. Click
Restrict viewers by IP address
Pearl devices permit you to restrict which computers can access broadcasts by building a list of allowed
and denied IP addresses. You can do this at a global level for the system and can also override these
settings on a per-channel basis. Both global and per-channel configuration procedures are described.
The following table describes what happens when an IP address is added to the allowed and denied IP
address lists.
Table 55
IP Based Restriction Options
Allow IP's
Users connecting from addresses in this list are permitted to view broadcasts from the
device, provided their IP address is not in the Deny IP’s list.
To allow all except IP addresses in the deny list, if any, leave the field blank.
You can use the Allow list by itself, or in conjunction with the Deny IP’s list as an
exception to a rule in the allow list.
Deny IP's
Users connecting from addresses in this list are not allowed to view broadcasts from
the device, unless their IP address is in the Allow IP’s list. If a specific IP address is in
both lists, access to the stream is denied.
You can use the Deny list by itself, or in conjunction with the Allow IP’s list as an
exception to a rule in the allow list.
If your viewer account has a password, your viewers must connect to the device from a computer (or
gateway) with a permitted IP address and must also supply the user name (viewer) and password before
they can view the broadcast.
To restrict access by IP address, you need to know the IP addresses or range of addresses for your
viewers. By default, all IP addresses are allowed to connect to the broadcast.