Adding Modules
Adding a PDD Module
Thermo Scientific
TRACE 1300 and TRACE 1310 Hardware Manual
Performing Initial Power Up
To perform the initial power up
1. If external modules are present, plug the power cable to the AC Input connector of each
external module, and to the wall outlet.
2. Power on the GC.
Plug the power cable to the AC Input connector into the back of the GC and to the
wall outlet.
b. Flip up the power switch (breaker) to the position I.
3. Close the front door of the GC.
4. Set the detector temperature to 100 °C and allow time for the detector to reach the set
temperature, and for the helium purifier to reach the optimum working condition.
5. Turn on the pulse generator.
6. Check the standing/background current. Optimum range is 600 - 2000 pA at 100°C.
Lower current indicates a clean, leak-free system.
7. The recommended detector temperature is 20 °C above the column temperature, with a
minimum of 100 °C. Set the detector to the operating temperature required for the
intended analysis. When the detector has reached the set temperature, read and record the
standing current.
8. Start carrier flow, then read the standing current.The difference between this reading and
the one previous is the ionization of the combined impurities in and eluting with the
carrier gas. The smaller the difference, the better the quality of the gas exiting the column.
9. Set the column oven to the temperature required for the intended analysis. When the
oven reaches the set temperature, read the standing current. The difference with the
previous reading is the ionization of the column bleed. The smaller the difference, the
better the column is conditioned.
From this point, the standing current should be observed and logged after any system
change. In addition, logging the standing current (with and without the column) on a
regular basis is an effective monitor of system integrity (leak tightness and cleanliness).
We also recommend tracking the internal standard (quantity on column/area count) for
sensitivity continuity.
During normal operation, the detector produce ultraviolet energy (UVA,
UVB), some of which may be emitted. Do not watch the arc without eye protection.