Communication / CBC CANopen Communication Board
6SE7087-6QX70 (Version AD) Siemens AG
Compendium Motion Control SIMOVERT MASTERDRIVES
You must always use digital input 5 as the interrupt input on the
For this reason, parameter P647.01 must be set to 0 and parameter
P648.01 to 4 on MASTERDRIVES MC without F01. If both inputs are
defined as high-speed inputs (P647.01 and P648.01 = 4), the behavior
during homing is different.
Reversal cams must be driven via Dig IN 1 and Dig IN 2.
The homing method must be changed before the MASTERDRIVES is
switched to Homing mode.
No creep velocity for precise referencing is available for homing with B-
Pos on MASTERDRIVES MC without F01 and the deceleration path is
not retraced. A suitably low traversing velocity should therefore be
Homing methods using P178 = 16 or 18 and P647.01 = 0 or
P648.01 = 0
Negative Limit
Index Pulse
Fig. 8.5-4
Homing_method 1
The axis is positioned to the right of the Bero installed as a limit switch.
The homing operation is started by bit 4 in the control word.
The axis traverses under speed control at homing approach velocity v
[MD7] towards the Bero. When the Bero responds, the axis decelerates
down to homing creep velocity v
[MD6] and reverses its direction of
When it exits the Bero in the positive direction, it searches for the next
zero pulse of the position encoder. When the zero pulse is found, the
axis is braked to a standstill under speed control.
It retraces the deceleration path traveled as a result of the braking
operation by executing a position-controlled return motion (positioning)
towards the zero pulse. The axis then activates "Homing Attained" in
the status word via bit ARFD.
Homing_method 1