Communication / CBC CANopen Communication Board
Siemens AG
6SE7087-6QX70 (Version AD)
Compendium Motion Control
The Profile Velocity mode is implemented in the basic unit on
MASTERDRIVES without F01. It corresponds to simple speed-
controlled operation.
Profile Velocity mode is defined by the following objects
Acceleration or deceleration can be set via objects 6083h
(profile_acceleration) and 6084h (profile_deceleration).
The target velocity for speed-controlled operation is transferred to
the MASTERDRIVES via object 60FFh (target_velocity).
The transmitted setpoint and actual velocity can be read out via
objects 606Bh (velocity_demand_value) and 606Ch
The actual speed in increments per second can be read out via
object 6069h. Object 606Ah is a read-only object. The actual speed
value is always supplied by the position encoder.
On a MASTERDRIVES MC without F01, objects 2200.01 (P205 rated
velocity), 2200.02 (P353.01 reference speed before decimal point) and
2200.03 (P353.02 reference speed after decimal point) are read out as
the converter is booting.
As a result, there is no need to write any objects. The CBC has all
necessary information to normalize setpoints and actual values
If, however, a factor of 10 must be introduced because, for example,
the speed setpoint is too high, a value raised by a factor of 10 can be
written to object 2200.01.
The drive is normalized to µm.
The entry in object 2200.01 defines the transfer format for setpoints and
actual values. After the CBC has booted, the value from parameter
P205 is stored in this object, i.e. in mm/min. To increase the setpoints
even further, it is possible to re-normalize them to e.g. m/min by writing
them to object 2200.01. The MASTERDRIVES is not aware that re-
normalization has taken place. The value from object 2200.01 is not
passed to the MASTERDRIVES.
The setpoint is specified in LU/min as defined according to object
2200.01h and may deviate from the quantity normalized in the drive by
P205. The unit of length LU is specified by the position-feedback
scaling factor.
The actual values are returned in object 2200.01h depending on the
The setpoint is wired to parameter P212 (source setpoint control).
Profile Velocity
mode without F01