Revision A
Chapter 3:
Safely operating your machine requires familiarizing yourself with its capabilities.
Owner/Operator Responsibilities
Owning and operating heavy equipment comes with certain duties.
It is your responsibility to read and understand this manual completely before operating the header. Contact your
MacDon Dealer if an instruction is not clear to you.
Follow all safety messages in the manual and on safety decals on the machine.
Remember that YOU are the key to safety. Good safety practices protect you and the people around you.
Before allowing someone to operate the header, for however short a time or distance, make sure they have been
instructed in its safe and proper use.
Review the manual and all safety related items with all Operators annually.
Be alert for other Operators not using recommended procedures or not following safety precautions. Correct these
mistakes immediately, before an accident occurs.
Do NOT modify the machine. Unauthorized modifications may impair the function and/or safety of the machine and
may reduce the length of service you receive from your machine.
The safety information given in this manual does not replace safety codes, insurance needs, or laws governing your
area. Be sure your machine meets the standards set by these regulations.