5000 Series Layer 2/3 Managed Data Center Switch CLI Reference Guide
Dot1x Statistics
EAPOL Frames Transmitted
– Indicates the number of EAPOL
frames of any type transmitted by this authenticator.
EAPOL Start Frames Received
– Indicates the number of valid
EAPOL start frames received by this authenticator.
Time Since Counters Last
Indicates the elapsed time since the statistics for this port were last
cleared in days, hours, minutes, and seconds.
If the
keyword is used, the following information is displayed.
Total Octets Transmitted
Indicates the total number of octets of data transmitted on the network
(excluding framing bits but including FCS octets and those in bad
packets). This parameter provides a reasonable estimate of Ethernet
utilization. If the user requires greater precision, the etherStatsOctets
and etherStatsPkts objects should be sampled before and after a
common interval.
Total Octets Received
Indicates the total number of octets of data received on the network
(excluding framing bits but including Frame Check Sequence (FCS)
octets and those in bad packets). This parameter provides a reasonable
estimate of Ethernet utilization. If the user requires greater precision, the
etherStatsOctets and etherStatsPkts objects should be sampled before
and after a common interval. The result for this equation is the value
utilization, which is itself the percent utilization (on a scale of 0 to 100
percent) of the Ethernet segment.
Total Packets Transmitted
Indicates the number of frames transmitted by this port to its segment.
Total Packets Received
Without Error
Indicates the total number of packets that were received without errors.
show interface ethernet switchport
This command is used to show the information regarding private VLAN mapping for the switch interfaces.
show interface ethernet interface-id switchport
Indicates the slot/port for the switch.
The default is None.
Command Mode
Privileged EXEC