5000 Series Layer 2/3 Managed Data Center Switch CLI Reference Guide
Email Alert From Address......................... [email protected]
Email Alert Urgent Severity Level................ alert
Email Alert Non Urgent Severity Level............ warning
Email Alert Trap Severity Level.................. info
Email Alert Notification Period.................. 30 min
Email Alert To Address Table:
Email Alert Subject Table:
For Msg Type urgent, subject is.................. Urgent Log Messages
For Msg Type non-urgent, subject is.............. Non Urgent Log Messages
Display Parameters
Email Alert Logging
Indicates whether the feature is enabled or disabled.
Email Alert From Address
Indicates the email address of the sender (that is, the switch).
Email Alert Urgent Severity
Indicates the lowest severity level that is considered to be urgent.
Messages with this level of severity or above are sent immediately.
Email Alert Non Urgent
Severity Level
Indicates the lowest severity level that is considered to be non-urgent.
Messages with this level of severity and above, up to the designated
urgent level, are collected and sent together in a batch email. Any log
messages with a lower level of severity are not sent via email message
at all.
Email Alert Trap Severity
Indicates the lowest severity level at which traps are logged.
Email Alert Notification
Indicates the amount of time to wait between the sending of non-urgent
Email Alert to Address
Indicates the configured email recipients.
Email Alert Subject Table
Indicates the subject lines to be included with emails of urgent (Type 1)
and non-urgent (Type 2) messages.
For Msg Type urgent,
subject is
Indicates the configured email subject for the sending of urgent
For Msg Type non-urgent,
subject is
Indicates the configured email subject for the sending of non-urgent
show logging email statistics
This command is used to show email alerting statistics.
show logging email statistics